Millers Oils Engine Oil CFS 10w60NT+ (1L)

•Volume: 1 Litre
•Far exceeds: the requirements of:
•ACEA: A3 / B4

Manufacturer SKU: 7965JMP
€22.32 incl. VAT
Millers Oils

Product Description


Fully synthetic Triple Ester Nano Technology ultra low friction formulation. For larger race and rally engines, with or without turbochargers, especially where subject to severe and high stress conditions. For competition or high performance modified engines. Suitable for all normally aspirated and turbo-charged engines from 2 litres upwards. For fast road use or track days in engines where a 10w40 is normally specified. Suitable for operating at 125°C with peak temperatures up to 150°C. SAE Viscosity 10w60 Specific Gravity (at 15°C) 0.870 Kinematic Viscosity (at 100°C, cSt) 24.4 Kinematic Viscosity (at 40°C, cSt) 170.8 Viscosity Index 175 Pour Point (°C) <-25 Flash Point (°C) >200 Cold Crank Viscosity (cP) 7,000 HTHS mPa.s 5.85 TBN mg KOH/gm 10.0